Oberheim OB-Series

We stock many rare and obsolete parts.
If a part is listed is available, If is in red colour is not available now maybe in the future.
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View parts for:

OB-8, OB-1, OB-SX, OB-X, OB-Xa. OB-12

Style 17U Style 17U Keys (Later OB1)
10.95 €
Style 32U Style 32U Keys (Later OB8 )
6 €
Style 34U Style 34U Keys Praat-Read
13.95 €
Battery 3.6V 2 pin Battery 3-volt Lithium , with two solder pins
EU shipping only
12.95 € 
Clip for keyboard coil board nylon Matrix 12 Clip for keyboard coil board nylon
3.95 €
Image Not Available Firmware O.S V1 for Ob-X (bins only)
memory version 

29.95 €
Oberheim OB-XA OS Rev A Firmware O.S Rev A XA-AD0/A1/A2 for the 32 program
memory version 

47.95 €
Oberheim OB-XA OS Rev C Firmware O.S Rev C for OB-XA requires the memory
expansion board, for 120 program versions
47.95 €
Oberheim OB-XA OS Rev-G Firmware O.S Rev G for OB-XA requires the memory
expansion board, for 120 program versions
47.95 €
firmware OS upgrade EPROM set version B5 OB8 Firmware OS A8 for OB-8 without midi
47.95 €
firmware OS upgrade EPROM set version B5 OB8 Firmware OS B5 for OB-8 with midi
47.95 €
AS3310 IC AS3310 Envelope Generator (Equivalent CEM3310)
6.95 €
AS3320 IC AS3320 VCF Filter (Equivalent CEM3320)
6.95 €
AS3330 IC AS3330 Dual Voltage Controlled Amplifier
(Equivalent CEM3330)
11.95 €
AS3340 IC AS3340 VCO (Equivalent CEM3340)
6.95 €
AS3360 IC AS3360 VCA chip (Equivalent Cem3360)
6.95 €
CA3080 IC CA3080 op amp
6.95 €
CEM3310 IC CEM3310 Envelope Generator
59.95 €
CEM3320 IC CEM3320 VCF Filter
49.95 €
CEM3340 IC CEM3340 vco chip
29.95 €
CEM3360 IC CEM3360 VCA chip
49.95 €
HM1-6508-9 IC HM1-6508-9 cmos static ram for OB-SX
14.95 €
Lm311 IC LM311 comparator
1.95 €
LM741 IC LM741 single op amp
1.95 €
MM5837 IC MM5837N noise source
8.95 €
TL081 IC TL081 op amp
1.95 €
TL082 IC TL082 op amp
1.95 €
TL084 IC TL084 op amp
1.95 €
Key Brachet for black keys Key bracket for black key
5.95 €
Key Brachet for white keys Key bracket for white key
5.95 €
Key Bushing Key bushing
1.45 €
Key return spring style 34U black key Key return spring for black key
1.95 €
Key return spring style 34U white keys Key return spring for white key
2.95 €
Key return spring style 32-U Key return spring for later OB-8
(Style 32U) keys only
0.95 €
Key return spring style 32-U Key return spring for later OB-8
(Style 32U) keys only set of 10
0.95 €
J-wire guide2 J-wire guide for synthesizer using Pratt-Read keybed
3.95 €
Switch with Led Switch with Led
12.95 €
Slide Potentimeter 10kb 30-15 Slide potentiometer for OB-12
7.95 €