Korg Prophecy

We stock many rare and obsolete parts.
If a part is listed is available, If is in red colour is not available now maybe in the future.
If a part is not listed on our site please don’t ask.

To place and order CONTACT ME

Battery 3V Battery
EU shipping only
3.95 €
Korg Buttons 4 Buttons 4-set
18.95 €
Image Not Available Firmware version #20
24.95 €
Key return spring style 27W Key return spring
0.95 €
Key return spring style 27W Key return springs, set of 10
4.95 €
Phone Jack Phone Jack for Foot Pedal
4.95 €
tact switches full set of 40 Pushbutton tact switches full set of 40 for Prophecy
14.50 €
Rotary Potentiometer Rotary potentiometer for Speed and
pots 1-5 under display
5.20 €
Rotary Potentiometer Set of 6 Set of 6 rotary potentiometers for Speed and
pots 1-5 under display
23.45 €