Roland SH Series 

We stock many rare and obsolete parts.
If a part is listed is available, If is in red colour is not available now maybe in the future.
If a part is not listed on our site please don’t ask.

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View parts for:


Style 28U Keys Style 28U Keys for SH-101
8 €
Battery 3V Battery for SH32
EU shipping only
3.95 €
1458 IC 1458 dual op amp
1.95 €
CA3080 IC CA3080 op amp
6.95 €
4558dv IC 4558 dual op amp
1.95 €
723 linear regulator IC 723 linear regulator
3.95 €
BA662 A VCA chip IC BA662A VCA chip for SH-2/09/101
59.95 €
AS3340 IC AS3340 VCO (Equivalent CEM3340)
6.95 €
AS3360 IC AS3360 VCA chip (Equivalent Cem3360)
6.95 €
CEM3340 IC CEM3340 vco chip
29.95 €
CEM3360 IC CEM3360 VCA chip
49.95 €
IR3109 IC IR3109 VCF chip
39.95 €
TL072 IC Tl072 op amp
1.95 €
TL082 IC TL082 op amp
1.95 €
TMP80C49P-6-7301 IC TMP80C49P-6-7301 Roland SH-101
Mask Rom Cpu Kit
39.95 €
UA726HC IC UA726HC transistor pair
99.95 €
Key return spring Style 28U keys Key return spring style 28u
0.95 €
Power Switch Power switch for SH-101
6.90 €
Phone Jack Phone jack metal-case SH-101 for all except CV Pedal
4.95 €
Phone jack Phone jack, Phones only for SH-101
4.95 €
Pushbutton tact switches set of 10 Pushbutton tact switches set of 10 for SH32 – SH201
6.40 €
Rotary Potentiometer #1033 Rotary potentiometer for SH-201 Audio Filter Cutoff,
Resonance, Osc 2 PW/Feedback, LFO Rate, Filter Cutoff,
Resonance, Amp Level, Effects Tone, Depth
4,90 €
Rotary Potentiometer #1033 Rotary potentiometer for SH-32
Cutoff, Resonance, Depth, Rate
4,90 €
Rotary Potentiometer 10kax2 Rotary potentiometer for SH32 output
5.60 €
Rotary Switch 4 Position

Rotary Switch 4 position for SH-101, SH-2, SH-09
8.95 €

Slide Potentiometer 10kb

Slide potentiometer for SH-32 without center detent
8.95 €

Slide Potentiometer 10kb

Slide potentiometer for SH-201 all except Pitch/Filter
Env Depth
5.15 €


Slide potentiometer 100ka for Lfo Rate,
Lfo Mod,Env Mod for Sh101
11.95 €


Slide potentiometer 100kb for
Pulse Widht, Square, Triangle,
Sub Osc, Noise, Freq,Resonance,
Env Keyboard, Sustain for Sh101
11.95 €

roland-jupiter-6-slider Slide potentiometer 1Ma for Attack,
Decay, Release for Sh101
11.95 €
Toggle switch 3 position Switch 3 position aluminum lever is a bit shorter
than original and top is black
6.95 €
Usb Connector Usb connector for SH-201
5.45 €