Solton Programmer 24

We stock many rare and obsolete parts.
If a part is listed is available, If is in red colour is not available now maybe in the future.
If a part is not listed on our site please don’t ask.

To place and order CONTACT ME

Style 28U Keys Style 37U Keys
9 €
D8253C-5 IC D8253C-5 Triple Programmable Interval Timer
9.95 €
Image Not Available IC DAC0800 8-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converter
4.95 €
Image Not Available Factory Firmware (7 eproms)
89.95 €
Image Not Available Factory Sound Roms (4 eproms)
39.95 €
HM6116LP-3 IC HM6116LP-3 Ram
7.95 €
M112B1 IC M112B1 sound generator
24.95 €
P8031AH Cpu 8 bit IC P8031AH micro processor cpu 8 bit
9.95 €
SSM2044 IC SSM2044 filter chip
34.95 €