E-mu SP-12

We stock many rare and obsolete parts.
If a part is listed is available, If is in red colour is not available now maybe in the future.
If a part is not listed on our site please don’t ask.

To place and order CONTACT ME

Battery 3-volt lithium, with two solder pins EU shipping only 9.95 € Battery 3-volt lithium, with two solder pins
EU shipping only
12.95 € 
E-MU Sp12 Debug Eprom Debug Eprom
9.95 €
EMU sp-12 TURBO OS-Final OS revisione Update-Upgrade v2.6 latest OS Firmware Latest OS v2.6 Turbo
24.95 €
SSM2044 IC SSM2044 filter chip
34.95 €
AD7541AKN IC AD7541, 12 Bit DAC or AD7541BD
(industrial version)
16.95 €
Phone jack Phone Jack for all except individual chanel Outputs
6.95 €
Phone jack Phone Jack for individual chanel Outputs
6.95 €
Phone jack Phone Jacks Complete set of 8 units for
individual chanel Outputs
44,95 €
Pushbutton tact switch Pushbutton tact switch blu
6.45 €
Pushbutton tact switch Pushbutton tact switch red
6.45 €
Pushbutton tact switches Pushbutton tact switches full set of 30
(28 Blue, 2 Red)
124,95 €
Slider Cap Black #502 Slider Knob
4,25 €
Slide Potentiometer Slide potentiometer
These pots have a stem 5mm shorter than the originals
11.95 €
Slide Potentiometer Slide potentiometer kit 8 sliders
These pots have a stem 5mm shorter than the originals
74.95 €
E-Mu fuse holder with red cap Square fuse holder body with red cap
22.95 €