E-mu Emulator II

We stock many rare and obsolete parts.
If a part is listed is available, If is in red colour is not available now maybe in the future.
If a part is not listed on our site please don’t ask.

To place and order CONTACT ME

Style 04W Keys Style 04W Keys
9 €
Emu Emulator 2 Diagnostic Eprom Firmware Firmware Diagnostic Rom Eprom
11.95 €
Emu Emulator 2 Main + Diagnostic Firmware OS 3.1 ROM Upgrade Kit w/Debug EPROM
23.95 €
Image Not Available IC S3528 or S3528B Programmable LPF
12.95 €
Phone jack Phone Jack for all jacks except A/D Input
6.95 €
Pushbutton tact switch Pushbutton tact switch black
6.45 €
Pushbutton tact switch Pushbutton tact switch Red
6.45 €
Pushbutton tact switches Pushbutton tact switches full set of 30
(28 Black, 2 Red)
114.95 €
Slider Cap Black #502 Slider Knob
4,25 €
Slide Potentiometer Slide potentiometer
These pots have a stem 5mm shorter than the originals
11.95 €
E-Mu fuse holder with black cap Square fuse holder body with black cap
22.95 €