Access Virus Series

We stock many rare and obsolete parts.
If a part is listed is available, If is in red colour is not available now maybe in the future.
If a part is not listed on our site please don’t ask.

To place and order CONTACT ME

Battery 3V Battery
EU shipping only
3.95 €
Image Not Available Firmware Version 4.4 for Access Virus B eprom Upgrade
Repair Update
22.95 €
Image Not Available Firmware Version 6.6 for Access Virus C eprom Upgrade
Repair Update
22.95 €
Image Not Available Pushbutton tact switches set of 10
for VIRUS CLASSIC A – B – C – Ti – Brand Alps
7.90 €
Pushbutton tact switches set of 10 Pushbutton tact switches set of 10
for VIRUS CLASSIC A – B – C – Ti – Omron hi quality
9.59 €
Image Not Available Pushbutton tact switches full set of 30
for VIRUS B – Alps
17.45 €
Pushbutton tact switches set of 30 Pushbutton tact switches full set of 30
for VIRUS B – Omron hi quality
20.95 €
Image Not Available Pushbutton tact switches full set of 35
for VIRUS C – Alps
18.40 €
Pushbutton tact switches set of 30 Pushbutton tact switches full set of 35
for VIRUS C – Omron hi quality
22.25 €
Image Not Available Pushbutton tact switches full set of 43
for VIRUS TI and TI2 – Alps
23.80 €
Pushbutton tact switches set of 30 Pushbutton tact switches full set of 43
for VIRUS TI – Omron hi quality
25.25 €
Potentiometer 10k Rotary potentiometer
4.40 €
Potentiometer 10k Rotary potentiometers, set of 5
12.95 €
Encoder Rotary potentiometer for VIRUS XL rack
4.95 €
Access Virus Rack and XL Full Set of 5 Pots Rotary potentiometer for VIRUS XL rack full set of 5
16.75 €
Phone Jack Stereo 1/4-inch phone jack, 4-pin PCB mount,
with gold rim
4.95 €
Usb Connector Usb connector for Virus TI
5.95 €